Ireland's Ancient Standing Stones,
Ireland standing stones are a symbol of a culture which was already ancient by the time the great pyramids of Egypt were built. Stretching back over 5,000 years, these millennia old artefacts continue to bare witness to an unbroken tradition of craftsmanship. Irish craftsmen like Brian de Staic have over the generations been inspired by those nameless, long passed artists who enriched the island with a wealth of symbolic artefacts.
The significance of these standing stones to local people is demonstrated by their survival through generations on private lands. Irish farmers’ compulsion for rock clearing can be seen from the iconic stone walls that divide the countryside, piled up over the ages from painstaking field clearing. But standing stones stick out from the green fields. Their historic and mythological importance passed down through generations.
One such example from the Co. Kerry is the ecclesiastic site of Kilfountain, where an ancient standing stone depicts the chi-rho, a Greek representation of Christ’s name. An important artefact of Christianity in Ireland. These time defying standing stones continue to inspire and serve Irish craftsmen.
Visit the Collection of Jewelry Inspired by Ireland's Ancient Standing Stones