Passing down

Passing down

David Carr |

Standing Stones at the Ardmore, Dingle Peninsula

So much of Ireland has changed over the last forty years. Workers who thatched roofs, span wool and weaved wicker have grandchildren working in tech companies, consultancy and financial services. Those old industries are rarely passed down.

With a few exceptions of course. The Dingle Peninsula has been home to Ogham scribes for thousands of years, a skill still used in Brian de Staic’s workshop. The people of Corcu Duibne, an ancient Kingdom on the peninsula, produced more of these historic stones than anywhere else in Ireland. It seems fitting that the intricate art of Ogham inscription still takes places is the same strip of coast famed for its abundance of Ogham. Even in a country as ancient as Ireland, few places can boast a tradition as long. Some things do change though. 


The ancient Ogham stones at the Dingle Peninsula The ancient Ogham stones belong in the soil of Kerry, but Ogham jewellery inscribed by Brian de Staic are a gift that can be passed down to someone special, with the same long lasting significance. 

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